Monday, November 16, 2015

The First Step in the Fight Against Terrorism: Don't Be Terrified

The whole point of terrorism is to terrify reactive leaders into a brutal response.  This helps terrorists recruit more fighters. Every time we invade a country, we make more enemies.

This is why a measured, coordinated response, using diplomatic, economic, cultural, and (only at the end) military tools is the most effective thing to do, as well as the most ethical.

Reactive leaders will not be held back by a thoughtful consideration of what will really work.

Reactive leaders will only be held back if their domestic supporters would reject a brutal response.

Therefore, the most effective thing that ordinary people can do in the face of terror is not be terrified. Keeping calm and carrying on is the best resistance.


Mac said...

"This is why a measured, coordinated response, using diplomatic, economic, cultural, and (only at the end) military tools is the most effective thing to do, as well as the most ethical."

It must be nice to live in Fantasy Land.

When dealing with an enemy who has no respect for, and will not engage in, diplomatic, economic, or cultural solutions, one who denigrates ethics and prefers only violence, the only thing left to a civilization that desires to survive is to totally destroy that enemy. To those who say "violence never settled anything", I refer them to the city fathers of Carthage. Roman violence that put Carthage to the sword and then salted its earth settled the Carthaginian problem once and for all.

If you can get your model to work, have at it. However, I will bet you a dollar to a doughnut that when (not if) ISIS conducts another OPERATION PARIS, this time in New York City or Washington, DC, in Philadelphia or in Chicago, the "reactive" model will be the one the American public will demand of its political leaders. The "peace President" and political party that fails to respond and to carry out the primary duty, in fact, the only real responsibility of any government--to secure the Nation--will be tossed on the trash heap of history.

Brendan said...
