Saturday, May 21, 2016

Silver Lining: Trump Nomination Leads to Huge Increases in Hispanic Naturalization and Voter Registration

The rate at which Hispanic immigrants are becoming naturalized citizens has picked up dramatically this year, doubling rates seen even last year.

And the rate of Hispanic registration to vote, both among recent and long-time citizens, is also way up, tripling in some places.

All of which is an unexpected benefit of Donald Trump's likely nomination as the Republican candidate for president.

There is almost always a silver lining, even in dark events.

Friday, May 20, 2016

The World Is Drinking A Bit Less Booze

For the first time in ten years, worldwide alcohol consumption went down.  The drop, about 1.7% compared to last year, includes Eastern Europe, notorious for its high rates of alcoholism.

Unfortunately, drinking rates in the U.S. continue to rise.

Still, a worldwide decrease in the use of the most damaging drug is good news.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Longer Living Through Sociology: The Oldest American is a Sociologist

  • From the American Sociological Association Newsletter
  • The oldest person in the U.S., 113-year-old Goldie Michelson, received a master's degree in sociology from Clark University in Worcester. Her thesis was titled "A Citizenship Survey of Worcester Jewry" and examined why many of the city's older Jewish-immigrant residents did not pursue American citizenship or learn English.
  • Monday, May 16, 2016

    The Ironic Effect of the Gay Marriage Debate Has Been to Make Liberals More Pro-Marriage

    A decade ago it was common for liberals to consider whether all "personal relationships" should be considered not only equally valid choices, but equally good in their effects on the adults and their children.

    At the same time, though, the most successful argument for same-sex marriage touted the importance of marriage for the couple, their children, and society as a whole.

    As a result, liberals, who almost by definition opposed the ban on same-sex marriage, came to talk less about the irrelevance of marriage, and more about marriage as a right for all and a benefit to society.