Saturday, February 13, 2010

Czech, Please

The background one needs for this joke is:

1) Mrs. G's first name is Susan; and

2) The Gruntleds still haven't forgiven Neville Chamberlain for selling out Czechoslovakia.

I sent this message to our eldest daughter:

"I am going to take Mom to the Czech Republic. They have the best Sue datin' land."

I cc'ed Mrs. G., and waited for her to open email. I knew she had opened this message when a belly laugh emanated from her corner of the bedroom.

She forwarded the message to her relatives.

Daughter #1 replied: "Feel the inter-state GROAN. Don't just hear it, FEEL it."

My father-in-law replied: "Very possibly the worst pun I have ever heard or read (or smelled)."

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