A new Harris
poll has some fascinating numbers on what Republicans and Democrats believe about President Obama. Since I reported
earlier on some of the interesting beliefs of Republicans in a Republican-only poll, I am glad to have some comparative numbers. All the questions began "here are some things people have said about President Obama. Please indicate for each whether you believe it is true or false." I will give Republican vs. Democratic "true" answer percentages.
Let's start with some fairly straight-forward factual matters:
57 vs 15 Is a Muslim
45 vs 8 Was not born in the U.S. and so is not eligible to be president
Then let's look at his political intentions:
61 vs 17 Wants to take away Americans' right to own guns
51 vs 12 Wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a one world government
41 vs 8 Wants to use an economic attack or a terrorist attack as an excuse to take dictatorial powers
22 vs 5 Wants the terrorists to win
Finally, some global assessments of his being:
67 vs 14 Is a socialist
47 vs 12 Resents America's heritage
45 vs 8 Is a domestic enemy that the U.S. Constitution speaks of
22 vs 6 May be the Anti-Christ
The last two questions are particularly interesting, as I believe they are, within the American civil religion, two versions of the same thing.
For the record, I believe all of these claims are false.