Monday, February 29, 2016

Trump Could Bring the GOP to its Lowest Ebb Since 1932

The Republican Party has been cultivating an authoritarian base since Ronald Reagan ran as an "anti-government" president.

Donald Trump is an opportunist. He has correctly seen what kind of opportunity this gives him to hijack the Republican presidential nomination for his own purposes.

The Republican establishment is already trying every measure they can think of to stop Trump.  However, they have disarmed themselves of all checks and balances, and have not at all been able to unite.  Each attempt they make to stop Trump just confirms to the authoritarians that "elites" are trying to take away their voice and vote - because they are.

Now the GOP is openly preparing to attack their own nominee, in an attempt to protect their Congressional candidates.

Nothing is certain.  However, I can see how this election could turn into a debacle for the Republican Party worse than Goldwater's loss.


dennistheeremite said...

I wouldn't have connected the current situation with Reagan, but it is intriguing.

Barry said...

As a moderate "John Sherman Cooper" " Nelson Rockefeller" Republican. I find that the only current candidate that I could possiblly support is Gov Kasick from Ohio. It seems that Republicans have been sewing the seeds of this year for years with their views, pandering, Karl Rove, and Fox News. It makes me wonder if the party will spinter into different parties, with the result of the party as we know it going the way of the Whigs. It reminds one of the Democrats during the era of the nominations of Dukasis and McGovern, however they corrected and came out of the mire.

Gruntled said...

One correction that Democrats made was to invent super delegates to, among other things, act as an establishment damper of populist enthusiasms. I think Republicans will need to do something similar after this election.

Mac said...

I just wrote a blog suggesting a return to non-binding primaries and open conventions. The Republicans do have their own brand of "super delegates," but the number is limited to 3 per State or Commonwealth, and they are bound to the candidate that carried their State. The Democrats learned from the McGovern debacle; at a minimum, the Republicans had better learn from this year.

I wish I could vote for "None of the above."

dd said...

Condescending posts above are an example of why Trump and Sanders are doing as well as they are.

Gruntled said...

Do you have a criticism of the substance of the argument?

dd said...

No just the condensation.