Monday, January 02, 2006

National Greatness and the Ecology of Families 1

My thesis this week, this year, and likely in the years ahead, is this:

In the great ecology of subcultures, status groups, and classes in America, the class with the strongest families enjoys an advantage. It is good for America that classes with strong families tend to predominate, if not rule. Strong family life is not the only element of greatness in a class, but I believe it is the single most important element.

In the great ecology of civilizations, states, and nations in the world, the nation with the strongest culture enjoys an advantage. It is good for the world that nations with strong cultures tend to predominate, if not rule. Strong cultural life is not the only element of greatness in a nation, but I believe it is the single most important element.

When the predominant class in America has a strong family life, American culture as a whole is greater.

When the predominant nation in the world has a strong cultural life, world culture as a whole is greater.

Strong family life in the American ruling class makes for national greatness.

National greatness in America, the world’s ruling nation, makes for a better world.


RightDemocrat said...

I agree. The survival of strong and traditional families is critical to our national greatness.

Anonymous said...

i'm enjoying getting to glance at your blog now and again. This article and the one after it reminded me of an article at on parenting. It seems to correspond with what you're saying.

Gruntled said...

To rightdemocrat: I would be interested in your list of what else makes for national greatness (I took a shot at it in post 3 on this topic).

To becky joregensen eberhart: Thanks for the Sojourners citation -- the article is pretty good, though I think their emphasis on socialist parental leave works against their argument as much as it supports it. How has taking care of kids, marriage, and career been working out for you?