I removed about a dozen stickers of all kinds from my van after the election. It was time for renewal.
I stripped down to the basic loyalty stickers.
Each Saturday for the next month or so I will add a new one and post it.
Exploring the Happy Society.
What stickers did we lose?
Presbyterian seal, Apple logo, "My blogging is decent and in order," "Life is busy; vote anyway," SOC[iology], CS&F [Capon Springs and Farms], KDP [Kentucky Democratic Party], Danville Presbyterian Church, a second Swarthmore sticker that you couldn't see through the tinting, and four candidate stickers.
Now that's a full bumper.
How about a little love for the great American engineers? Please consider an American vehicle next time - we would really appreciate it!
We drive a Kentucky-made Sienna and a Kentucky-made Camry.
There is not really such a thing as an "American" or "Kentucky" made anything anymore. Thank Mr. Clinton and you were right Mr. Perot. Hear that sucking sound?
Well, the American auto industry still employs more Americans directly and indirectly through their supply and dealer chains that the foreign companies do. Supporting your fellow Kentuckians is admirable but the vast majority of your money goes back to Japan and supports their engineers, designers, sales staff, suppliers, etc. If we expect American manufacturing to survive, we have to support American companies and shame on those who don't!
Obama sticker one of "basic loyalty"? I would never have described a Reagan or Bush sticker that way. In this nation, our basic loyalty is to the Constitution, not to any person.
I do believe in Obama's program, and he is taking a shellacking at the moment, so, yes, it does feel like loyalty at this time.
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