Thursday, February 04, 2010

The Internet vs. the Second Shift

Virginia Heffernan makes a semi-serious claim in the New York Times Magazine that women have benefited more than men from telecommuting. She says that the WAHM - work-at-home mom - is the most valuable of all the motherhood and (or vs.) career options. She even offers telecommuting as a cure for the second shift. The internet is the real technological development that saved women from being tied to the home, because it lets them work from it.


SPWeston said...

I resemble that remark!

the goat-free sister said...

What does she mean: "you become, by magic, uninterruptable." If I sit down at the laptop, I have a huge target on my increasingly larger butt. I have trot around the house to get away from sticky fingers and runny noses and lapseekers and neglected pets going "Mom! Mom!" and "Meow! Meow!"
New York Times author doesn't know what she's talking about.

Gruntled said...

Magic and a tazer?

the goat-free sister said...

Toys and TV