I enjoyed your blog tremendously; you are the oldest blogger I ever knew in person.
Here I am, also enjoying your blog tremendously, while the sunny, crisp afternoon calls me to a brisk walk. At this good stopping point, off I go, but back soon.
By the way, for the youngest blogger I know in person, you make some right wise judgments and are eliciting thought provoking responses. Thanks!
As the parent of a soon-to-be freshman at Centre, I've just stumbled on this site & have enjoyed it tremendously. My question: why do I not see recent posts?
Here I am, also enjoying your blog tremendously, while the sunny, crisp afternoon calls me to a brisk walk. At this good stopping point, off I go, but back soon.
By the way, for the youngest blogger I know in person, you make some right wise judgments and are eliciting thought provoking responses. Thanks!
Ah, technology, bringing the generations together.
As the parent of a soon-to-be freshman at Centre, I've just stumbled on this site & have enjoyed it tremendously. My question: why do I not see recent posts?
Click on the Gruntled Center title; that will take you to today's post.
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